Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Munich!

It's currently 10:33 am where I am now. I'm waiting for my last plane to Graz. It takes off in about an hour and a half. Currently, it is 3:33am back home when I am typing this. I am soooo excited!

The flight over was...long. I sat next to a Croatian women that did not speak German and spoke limited English. She had leg cramping and kept trying to get me to help her even though most of the time I didn't understand. I don't think she understood that when I had my earplugs in watching a movie or listening to music that I just wanted "me" time. During the flight, I realized that I forgot my extra pairs of contacts back home and my stuff to get around campus that I recieved from the university. I will have to email my Mom and ask her to send me all that stuff! Oh, the joys of packing a day before I leave. I just have to say I'm glad that the long leg of my trip is over with.

I hope everyone is sleeping well. I'll post once I get to Graz! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kate,
    Have you made it there yet? I did not get a chance to say good bye and good luck, so I hope you have a great time and learn alot, it is very beautifull there and i am sure you will love it, we miss you already here at emmas and hope you are doing well. I will be watching your blog and posting as i see needed, try to stay out of trouble, Christine says high, she does not know how to blog so she says, I will teach her.... hehe

    Later chicky

