Sunday, February 7, 2010

Austrian Nightlife

The previous two nights, Friday and Saturday, Kirsten and I were able to explore the way Austrians pick each other up in the bar. We went out to a dance club, both nights, called Gekko. It is very interesting watching the young people here interact. It is quite different from the U.S.

I feel that in the U.S. women pretty much control the bar (i.e. in big groups, guys come to them, etc.) and guys go out in pairs looking for girls. In Austria, it seems to be completely opposite. (Now remember, it was my first weekend here.) Guys and girls both dance here to songs, but guys dance in big groups, while girls seem to pair off more. And not only do guys dance in big groups, but when Kirsten and I tried to join them, it was like they didn't want us to. The guys always had their arms around each other. Kirsten kept saying, "Oh, look! They love each other so much!" I think eye contact in bars is a big thing here. Austrian men seem to be shy/intimidated by girls. There are a couple that would have a pick up line, but then they wouldn't know what to say next. It was a bit entertaining.

Last night, the Austrian girls didn't seem to like us all that much. We're chalking it up to being American and actually being able to dance, but we're going to have to figure out this one further. Everytime that we would leave or go on the dance floor, very subtly, but obviously an Austrian girl would shove or elbow us. It was so odd. I feel it was quite similar to catty American girls, so I'm really not worried about it. They were just jealous. :)

So yes, it was quite interesting. Friday night we stayed out until about 3am and then last night we got in at 4:30am. The clubs open here around 9pm and are open until about 6 or 7am. It is the craziest thing. At 4:30 we were so tired, we just couldn't dance or move anymore, but we looked around and the party wasn't dying. My mentor and her friend came out with us and when we were leaving, they were going to leave, but once we went outside they said they were going to go to the next bar. I don't know how they do it, but I'm eventually going to be able to! I'm going to have to build up my stamina!

Okay, I can't think of anything else about the nightlife here to say. But I do get to watch the Superbowl today! They're showing it at a bar not far from where I'm living at 10pm tonight. Go Saints!!! (Now, if only I had my Mackenzie jersey here with me.)

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