Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Beautiful Day in Graz

I would just like to start by saying that it is the third day in a row here that it has been about 55 degrees. People here are starting to believe that Spring is here. :) I saw that it is quite cold back home. :(

I'm still doing well here. I'm finishing up my German Intensive Course this week. I have my written and oral exams tomorrow. They shouldn't be too difficult, just a bit time-consuming. Also, our Austrian friends finish their exams tomorrow, so we'll probably be going out with them.

Nothing exciting is really happening here. I feel like I am finally adjusted to life here, although it is hard to look at the same four walls all the time. I was just never a dormitory person. It's nice though, now that the weather is better. That's all for now. :)

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