Friday, February 5, 2010

Almost a week

Here is a picture of my roommate, Astrid, and I at a social for our international group. A group of us out on the 2nd night at the classiest bar I've ever been to.

They have toilet paper in every color. Kirsten and I chose pink.
A view of Graz

A picture of Graz

So, laying here in bed at 4am I have just realized that I have not blogged from Graz yet! I did just get a constant stream of internet today, so it isn't completely my fault! It is wonderful here in Graz. I absolutely love it! It is better than I thought it would be. I have met some of the nicest people. They are willing to help me with anything and everything. My roommate is very nice and always is willing to do something. Life is a bit crazier here than in the U.S. when it comes to going out. Yesterday and today, for example, Kirsten (the girl from Eau Claire I'm with) and I took naps in the early evening in preparation for our nights out on the town. Young people don't go out here until 11pm or 12am and stay out until 5 or 6am. Needless to say, we are having a hard time adjusting to that. We have typically been going out around 10pm and coming back around 2:30am. We are just used to the American way I guess!

Class is going really well. I'm taking the cultural immersion class everyday from 9am-12:30pm. My professor really seems to like Americans and likes to speak with us alot and ask us questions about our culture. It's actually quite interesting how interested he is in American culture. At the university here, people can actually study American/English culture and declare it as a major. I think that's really cool. Okay, well now it is 4:30am and I am quite tired. I will try and keep up better with this. I did get a cell phone and have been in contact with my mom more often than anything. So if you want to get a quicker version of how I am doing, you can always ask her :)

I hope all is well for everyone...oh yea, it's snowing here. :-P

1 comment:

  1. like i told you before you left it really is a differant life style over there, alot of things that are not acceptable here are just fine over there, I know i loved it when i was over there, clad you are having fun and your new friends seem to be helping out alot, that has to make it much eaiser for you. Stay out of trouble hehe

