Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now less than a week away!

I am exactly 6 days away from my adventure beginning! I am sooo excited! I have had bits of anxiety creep up here and there, but I feel that as soon as I am organized with my packing, I will feel a huge sense of relief. I have to just keep reminding myself that Austria is an industrialized country, so if I forget anything, I will be able to buy it there. :)

This is going to be an extremely busy week for me. I am in Wausau today and tomorrow, then heading to Eau Claire on Thursday. Friday and Saturday during the day I will be up in Minnesota visiting my Dad and then returning Saturday night. Then on Sunday, I have laundry and packing to do. Then Monday, Mom, Mark, and I leave for Chicago around 9am. Whew...makes me winded just thinking about it!

That's all for now! My next post will probably be from Europe!!!!! Bis dann! (Until then!)

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