Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now less than a week away!

I am exactly 6 days away from my adventure beginning! I am sooo excited! I have had bits of anxiety creep up here and there, but I feel that as soon as I am organized with my packing, I will feel a huge sense of relief. I have to just keep reminding myself that Austria is an industrialized country, so if I forget anything, I will be able to buy it there. :)

This is going to be an extremely busy week for me. I am in Wausau today and tomorrow, then heading to Eau Claire on Thursday. Friday and Saturday during the day I will be up in Minnesota visiting my Dad and then returning Saturday night. Then on Sunday, I have laundry and packing to do. Then Monday, Mom, Mark, and I leave for Chicago around 9am. Whew...makes me winded just thinking about it!

That's all for now! My next post will probably be from Europe!!!!! Bis dann! (Until then!)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Less Than a Month Away

(A picture of Graz -- where I'll be going to school.)
I am exactly 27 days away from my trip to Austria. I will be flying out Feb 1st from Chicago, connecting in Munich, and arriving in Graz about 10 hours later. I will be there for 5 months (returning July 6th).

I can't even describe how excited I am. At this point, I have felt no nervousness. Over the course of the semester, I will be blogging on here to let everyone know how I'm doing, what I'm doing, and posting pictures of my trip. This is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience!